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Thanos One Off


I was born in 1971 and grew up in my parent’s jewellery shop. Thus my initial contact with jewellery was and it happened effortlesly, slowly dripping inside me. I begun my journey by playing with jewellery until playing became a need of internal expression.
After four years of studying free arts, jewellery design and art history, I graduated from the American University of Delaware and went on to further studying in Switzerland. I worked and studied at Elias Lalaounis’ workshop as well as my father’s workshop.
And so it came to pass that I followed the path of an art form with a begining but no ending. Maybe this makes the quest even more interesting and the conquest more elusive.
Right here, on the island of Patmos, this unique precious stone of the Aegean, it has now been almost ten years that I set up my workshop. Right here! Where the sunset does not allow for any indiference to its tranquility, where the full moon will permeat your being, whether you like it or not. The hills, the sea, now solid metal, now full of mystical pulses and whispers and colours; this enchanting language that makes you taste the very fabric of being and never feel alone; right here it is that art, in every form and expression, is present.
And so begins my personal need to harness the metal and capture within it the cloud that runs after the pursuit of the sun; to marry it with precious stones that engulf the full spectrum of the light; through whose cracks one can catch a glimpse of the story of ages and the murmuring water of the sea.
Right here! On my rock in Patmos, at the crossroads of worlds, I recall and I dream.
Someone, somewhere on Earth has something made out of my hands on him.
Why from me?
Is there any connection between us, I wonder…
Harmony !